Bratislava. Dóm sv. Matrina
Bratislava. St. Martin´s Minster
Máj 2007, 27.XII.2010
Asi v máji 2007. Bolo asi 3 mesiace pred rozobratím. V Dóme sú dva organy.
Probably in May 2007. It was approximately 3 months before its deconstruction. There are two organs in the cathedral.
Ďakujem kostolníkovi a kostolníčke za prehliadku.
I thank the parish clerk and woman sexton for showing the organ.
V roku 2010 bol dostavaný organ sv. Alžbety od staviteľa "Geald Woehl".
In 2010 the St. Elizabeth´s organ was finished by the builder "Geald Woehl".
Ďakujem za možnosť prehliadky farskému úradu, organistovi Martinovi Bakovi
I thank the parish, the organ player Martin Bako and SPO for having the possibility to see the organ.