Ružomberok -- farský kostol
The Parish Church

5th April 2008

Andrej Hlinka    Vojtašák

Tento digitál mal do 60 registrov. Vnútro tejto nádhernej skrine je vymenený za reproduktory, ostali len prospektové píšťaly. Pedálnica išla prekvapujúco ťažko. Dispozíciu neuvádzam.
Chorus je pomerne veľký a bez problémov by sa tam vošiel slušný píšťalový III manuál za podmienky, že III manuál by bol umiestnený v zábradlí. Vošlo by sa tam do 40 registrov.

The digital had up to 60 registers. The inside of this beautiful console was changed for the loudspeakers, only pipes remained. The pedals moved surprisingly hard. I do not mention the disposition. The chorus is rather big and a considerable pipe III manual would fit there without any problems under the condition that the III manual would be placed in the railing. Up to 40 registers would fit there.

Za prehliadku chcem poďakovať miestnemu kaplánovi Hlavatému a za povolenie pánovi dekanovi.
I would like to thank the local chaplain Hlavatý for the tour and the dean for the permision.

Pár informácií od kolegu Petra Vymazala
Organ v Ružomberku postavila pravdepodobne firma Rieger v 2.polovici 19.storocia... V prvej polovici 20. storočia bol organ opravovaný a pneumatizovaný firmou Július Guna. Kvalita hracieho stola a traktúr asi nebola vyhovujúca, preto bol hrací stôl odpílený a nahradený digitálnym organom.
The organ in Ruzomberok was built propably by the Rieger company in the second half of the 19th century. In the first half of the 20th century the organ was repaired and pneumatized by the company Julius Guna. The quality of the playing table and the tracture was not sufficient so the playing table was cut off and replaced by a digital organ.