The Holiest Master’s Heart Church at Prague Vinohrady
11th August 2006

The picture: Mr. Ján Přibyl and me.


The church was built in the years 1929-1932 according to the plan of a Lublan architect Josipa Plečnika. The organ is electro pneumatic, the table, which has 4 manuals, stands on the right side of the choir.

After the organ had been constructed, it was not possible to install a new organ immediately. In the first years, a small organ was used during a mess. The small organ was driven to the church from a former school St Alois ´s  Chapel. More information about the organ is not known. It was sold somewhere to the borderland in 1936 when the new organ was built. According to Jana Přibyl it was bought and enlarged for Saint Agnes Church at Spořilov and the money gained from the selling was used for the expenses on the new instrument.  The company„Josef Mölzer“from Kutná Hora built the new organ in 1936. The disposition was designed by the prelate Dr. O. Stanovský. Mr. Vojtěch Smolík was the director of the choir at that time. The organ was blessed on the Golden Sunday in 1936. The console was constructed from a pure larch wood; bulbs were installed on it in a form of line. The table was situated into the middle of the choir and it had four manuals and a pedal. Around the manuals into the half of an ellipse, there were 95 register joints, two free combinations and handling of various additional mechanisms. Only three manuals were really in operation. The pipes for the forth manual should have been situated in the church tower and the sound should have been floating as an echo into the church through two windows above the altar. The fourth manual should have had 23 registers.   The manual should have been electro pneumatic and the whole manual should have been constructed as so called „systém unit“. So the whole organ was situated on the main choir. It had three manuals and the pedal was divided in 45 registers. The number of pipes was 3234, the wind trunk was cylindrical and the instrument was pneumatic.

Pedal:                                                            Joints:

1. Principalbas                      16‘                   1. Pedal          I

2. Violonbas                          16‘                   2. Pedal          II

3. Subbas                               16‘                   3. Pedal          III

4. Salicetbas                          16‘                   4. Pedal          IV

5. Octavebas                           8‘                    5. II-I               4‘

6. Cello                                   8‘                     6. II-I               8‘

7. Pozoun                              6‘                     7. II-I               16‘

1st Manual:                                                   8. III-I             4‘s

8. Principal                           16‘                    9. III-I            8‘

9. Principal                            8‘                     10. III-I           16‘

10. Salicional                         8‘                     11. I-I              4‘

11. Viola                                8‘                     12. I-I             16‘

12. Flute hollow                     8‘                     13. II-II           4‘

13. Octave                            4‘                     14.II-II            16‘

14. Mixtura                           2 2/3‘ (5x)         15. III-II          8‘

15. Tromba                            8‘                     16. III-III         4‘

                                                                       17.IV-I            8‘


2nd Manual:

16. Kvintadena                      16‘                   18. IV-II          8‘

17. Principal                          8‘                     19. IV-III         8‘

18. Gamba                            8‘                       20. General joint

19. Dolce                                8‘                     21. Switch   16‘

20. Concerto flute  8‘                                    22. Switch of languages

21. The thick cover                   8‘                  23. Switch of the 2nd manual from the


22. Kopula                             4‘                     24. Switch of the 3rd manual from the



23. Prestant                           4‘                     25. Switch of registers

24. Nasard                             2 2/3‘                26. Free combination 1

25. Flautina                           2‘                     27. Free combination  2

26. Larigot                             1 1/3‘                28. Pianopedal

27. Cymbal                           2‘ (3x)             Stiff combination:

28. Clarinet                            8‘                      29. Piano

3rd Manual:                                                   30. Forte

29. Cover fine                     16‘                       31. Mezzoforte

30. Houslovka                       8‘                      32. Fortissimo

31. Aeolina                             8‘                      33. Pleno

32. Vox celestis                      8‘                      34. Tutti

33. Cover                                 8‘                     35. Tremolo 2‘‘

34. Flute fine                   8‘                            36. Tremolo 3‘‘

35. Flute traversa    4‘                                    37. Tremolo 4‘‘

36. Flute trubicová 4‘                                   38. Cylinder

37. Horn              2‘                                       39. Jalousies of the 3rd manual

38. Kvinta                              2 2/3‘                40. Jalousies of the 4th manual

39. Flagiolet               2‘                                 41. Indicator of the cylinder

40. Terc                                  1 3/5‘                42. Indicator of the jalousies of the 3rd


41. Septima               1 1/7‘                            43. Indicator of the jalousies of the 4th


42. Oboe                                8‘                     44. Indicator of the wind


A proposal of the register disposition which has never been realized:

43. Tuba                                16‘

44. Bordun                            16‘

45. Flute vel.                        16‘

46. Gamba                            8‘

47. Vox celestis                      8‘

48. Cover                                8‘

49. Flute fine                   8‘

50. Šalmaj                             8‘

51. Viola                                4‘

52. Vox celestis                      4‘

53. Tibia                                 4‘

54. Clairon                             4‘

55. English horn                  4‘

56. Horn                         4‘

57. Nasard                             2 2/3

58. Kvinta                              2 2/3

59. Violina                             2‘

60. Piccolo                             2‘

61. Flautina                           2‘

62. Polnice                             2‘

63. Night horn            2‘

64. Terc                                  1 3/5

65. Subbas pedal                   16‘


During the following decades the bad condition of the organ called for a complete repair. On this occasion the register disposition was changed as a result of the late influence of the „Orgelbewegung“ movement. The reconstruction started in 1972, the organist Vilém Pejša was working on the reconstruction (during his life he had built an organ in the Klatovy Theatre and probably in Kopřivnica as well). During several years he managed to build a new table and the second manual, but he did not finish the work, because he died at the beginning of the nineties.

After him the organist František Bilský was working on the reconstruction, he was a member of the then organ company „Igra Praha“. He finished the reconstruction of the instrument. The general reconstruction was completed on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the church blessing in 1992. It is necessary to add that during the twenty years when the organ had been out of operation, a small two-manual organ was built temporarily on the choir. According to the organist František Bilský, it was an organ of Em. Š. Petra from Praha-Žižkov, op. 304. It was driven there from the abolished castle chapel at Roudnica nad Labem. Its major part is sill kept in the church tower. In the second half of the eighties the new organ was used, but only a part of registers on one of the manuals (in a restricted range) was in operation. After the reconstruction, the organ looks in the following way: the cylindrical wind trunk has been preserved, it is electro-pneumatic and the table is not situated in the middle of the choir but on the rihgt side. All the registers are fully rebuilt, with the exception of the transmission of the four deepest tones of the „Principálbasu 16‘“ in the pedal and the „Principál 16‘“ in the  manual. All the „superspojky“ (super joints)were rebuilt as well.


The changes influenced the prospect of the organ as well. The front row of the middle part was arranged in a completely different manner, the pipes are lowered in the direction to the middle, and as an ornament five dummies of copper pipes were situated into the middle of the prospect. The table has again four manuals and again the 4th manual is out of order. It was supposed that it would be connected to the electronic synthesizer with loudspeakers behind the altar. I have to confess that I do not support such experiments because of practical reasons and because of certain sound aesthetics. The organ in the church is under the influence of the whole-year temperature changes which have a direct impact on the instrument tuning. So it is continuously changing but mostly the changes influence the organ as a unity (the exception represent for example tongue voices, the changes are into a different extend than for example at labial voices). As the consequence of the above mentioned I suppose that the planned adaptation of the synthesis sound  mechanisms would not collide with these processes. In my opinion I find the then Mölzer´s design of a distant pipe mechanism very interesting and real.  

The current disposition: 

1st Manual: (C-a3)                                      2nd Manual:              

Principal                    16‘                              Cover                         8‘

Principal                    8‘                                Kvintadena                8‘

Cover                     8‘                                     Kopula                       4‘

Salicionál                   8‘                                Principal                    4‘

Octave                       4’                                 Horn                    2‘

Flute tube        4’                                Kvinta            1 1/3

Superoctave              2’                                Flute syčivá             1‘

Mixtura                      1 1/3’ (6x)                     Cymbál                      2/3‘(3x)

Trompeta                   8‘                                Klarinet                      8‘

3rd Manual:                                                 Pedal: (C-f1)

Cover                16‘                                        Principalbas              16‘

Principal                    8‘                                Subbas                       16‘

Flute                     8‘                                       Salicetbas                   16‘

Vox angelika             8‘+ 4‘                           Octavebas                   8‘

Prestant                     4‘                                 Flute špičatá            8‘

Flute horizonatal     4‘                                 Choirbas                  4‘

Nasard                       2 2/3‘                             Mixtura                      22/3

Flageolet                    2‘                                Pozoun                       16‘

Tercie                          1 3/5

Akuta                         1‘ (5x)

Oboe                       8‘

Joints: III/II 8‘, III/II 16‘, III/II 4‘, I 4‘, II/I 8‘, III/I 8‘, III/I 16‘, III/I 4‘,            III 16‘, III 4‘,P/I 8‘, P/II 8‘, P/III 8‘, P/II 4‘, P/III 4‘

Additional mechanisms: Switch of manual registers, Tremolo II. m., Tremolo III. m., Switch of languages, Free combination-IV, Pléno Tutti, Switch of crescenda, Switch of joints , Automatic pedal, Crescendo cylinder, Jalousies of the 3rd manual.

Worked out by Ján Přibyl.

You can download the above mentioned description here as a Word document.




I thank Ján Přibyl for showing the organ.