Church of Holy Mary’s  Translation at Prague - Modřany


11th August 2006

In the Baroque church at Modřany, there is a pneumatic two-manual instrument from the 1st half of the 20th century. The opus has rather stiff manuals (probably because of practicing). I think I need not be afraid to say that it is not an instrument of the highest quality. The organ-player Vladimír Turnwald claims that the organist Líbal built the organ and the company „Karla Weisse“provided the table. The exact year of the construction is not known and on the table it is not mentioned who built the organ. The register disposition is as follows:

1st Manual: (C-g3)    

Principal                    8‘

Flute                           8‘

Kvintadéna                8‘

Octave                       4‘

Kvinta                       22/3

Mixtura                      11/3‘ (3-4x)

Joints                         II/I 8‘

                                   II/I 16

                                   II/I 4‘

                                    I/I 4‘

2nd Manual

Cover                          8‘

Aeoline                       8‘

Vox Angelica 8‘+ 4‘

Praestant                   4‘

Forest flute               2‘

Cymbál                      1‘ (2x)

Pedal: (C-f1)

Subbas                       16‘

Octavebas                   8‘

Choirbas                     4‘

Joints                          I/P


Then additional mechanisms: cylindrical crescendo, registers of  the 2nd manual in a crescendo, 1 free combination, 4 fixed combinations, a tremolo of the 2nd manual. The prospect is constructed of a field of zinc, the principal pipes spread freely along the whole width of the choir. At present, the state of the instrument has not been changed but in the near future it is being planned to build a new organ.

Worked out by Ján Přibyl.

You can download the above mentioned description here as a Word document.





I thank Jan Přibyl for showing the organ.