Začal som ako 6 ročný hrávať na harmonike.
When I was six I started playing the accordion.

Na základnú školu prišiel Prof. Miroslav Košnár (tvrdý učiteľ) na akordeón (harmoniku). Vydržal som to sním asi 4 roky. Potom som šiel skúšať šťastie do ĽŠU ku pani učiteľke Otílií Katrenčínovej. Ako 13 ročný som sa začal učiť na organe. Mojím učiteľom bol Pavol Holeša (Nižšie na obrázku po mojej ľavici, tvrdý učiteľ), s ním som to vydržal (držím) doteraz. Neskôr sa títo moji učitelia spriatelili. Po dvoch rokoch som bol schopný bez jeho pomoci odbaviť celú vs. omšu. Vtedy odišiel na mesiac na dovolenku po Európe. Bolo to koncom septembra začiatkom októbra.
Prof. Miroslav Košnár (a strict teacher) came to the primary school; he was teaching playing the accordion. I stayed with him for four years. Then I went to the ĽŠU, Otília Katrenčínová was my teacher. When I was 13, I started learning playing the organ. My teacher was Pavol Holeša (a strict teacher). In the picture you can see him on my left side. I have been staying with him till these days. Later my teachers became friends. After two years I was able to play without their help during the whole mass. At that time he left for one-month-holidays over Europe. It was at the end of September and at the beginning of October.

    ak je tmavá pozri bledšiu tu vedľa     
                            If it is too dark, please have a look at the lighter one here
to je fotka keď som mal 24r.
I was 24 in the picture

Za mnou je Bob Frederic (USA), vedľa neho sedí môj otec. Fotku robila Dorka Frederic manželka Boba Frederica. Bob už nežije. S jeho manželkou Dorkou si dopisujem.
Behind me, there is Bob Frederic(USA), my father is next to him. The picture was made by Dorka Frederic, Bob Frederic´s wife. Bob is not alive any more. His wife Dorka is my pen --friend.